We are committed to help students develop a life-long interest in learning Science through a standards-based curriculum that includes inquiry, investigation and experimentation.
Our goals
To provide authentic learning experiences to connect Science concepts to real life applications and develop students’ creative and critical thinking skills.
To promote deeper awareness of environmental stewardship that enhances 21CC through enriched outdoor learning experiences using inquiry-based learning.
To nurture the joy of learning by making Science more fun and relevant, promoting lifelong learning.
Our programmes
Junior Science
This programme is mainly integrated into the Primary 1 and 2 curriculum. The JS programme taps on the natural
curiosity of The Primary 1 and 2 students to further develop their Science skills and concepts.
Fun with Variables
The Variables lesson package is an enrichment lesson for all Primary 3 students that was developed to teach basic process skills related to Science investigation.
The features of the Fun with Variables package include the following:
a) Use of stories to teach variables and fair experiment
b) Explicit teaching of how to carry out simple experiments
c) Followed by introduction of terms such as aim, hypothesis, variables and conclusion.
d) Hands-on activities related to simple investigation that the students carry out in groups
e) Students are assessed using a set of performance-based rubrics
Every Child a Seed
Outdoor Learning
Fern and Flower Gardens, Greenhouse, Terrarium
Learning Journey to Singapore Zoo
Young Investigators Project
Heat and Temperature Lesson at Singapore Science Centre
Outdoor Learning
Flower Garden
Young Investigators’ Project on Environment
Talented Primary 5 students who have carried out outstanding Science investigations during the YIP programme take part in this competition that is conducted at the cluster level.

Diversity of Cells Lesson at Singapore Science Centre
Outdoor Learning
Flower Garden and Greenhouse
Toy Car Project
Outdoor Learning
Eco Pond, Terrarium
Learning Journey to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
Excellence 2000 (E2K)
To engage our high progress learners (from mainstream Primary 4 to 6) in scientific investigations involving more advanced Science concepts. They foster independence in scientific inquiry in students as well as other important 21st Century Competencies such as resilience & resourcefulness, critical & inventive thinking, & effective communication skills. Lessons covered are either based on physical or life Sciences
Junior Da Vinci / Nobel / MCurie2 Science Workshops by NUS High School Primary 5 students are selected to participate in the Junior Da Vinci Programme by NUS High School. This programme helps to foster collaboration between the teachers of both schools, giving opportunities to explore other ways to nurture and develop our students’ competencies in the learning of Science especially with respect to the 21st Century Competencies
Life Science Enrichment Workshop
STEM Training
Inquiry-based learning is greatly enhanced by the YIP programme carried out in Primary 4 and 5. It is conducted yearly over a period of five weeks. The Fun with Variables package done in Primary 3 prepares the students for this YIP programme.
A YI resource package, consisting of proposal forms and roles & responsibilities is made available for teachers to refer to and use with their students. This helps to hone leadership and collaborative skills amongst the students. The project helps students to learn and practise critical thinking, inquiry and investigative skills. It helps to foster imagination and creative thought. They learn to work with others as a team, learn discipline in project management and organisational skills. These are essential skills that students need to develop to succeed in life.
Learning of Science in HPPS is not bound by the walls of the classroom. Outdoor learning is infused into the curriculum to enrich their learning experiences.
Learning Journey
Our students get to see first-hand what they have been learning in class and interact actively with nature. The greatest take-away for our students is to be able to share the passion for nature that the teachers / guides have. Through that, they develop greater respect and care for the natural resources that we often take for granted.
**Enrichment Lessons at the Science Centre **
As an extension to classroom experiences, students also attend lessons offered by the Singapore Science Centre that targets at specific topics covered in the syllabus.

Term |
Theme / Topic |
Primary 3 |
Primary 4 |
Primary 5 |
Primary 6 |
1 |
Diversity: Living and Non- Living Things
Systems: Plant and Human Systems
Cycles: Water and Water Cycle
Energy: Photosynthesis
2 |
Diversity: Plants, Fungi and Bacteria
Cycles: Matter
Cycles: Plant Reproduction
3 |
Fun with Variables
Energy: Light and Shadows
Young Investigators’ Project
4 |
Young Investigators’ Project |
Systems: Electrical System |
Revision |
The Pedagogy
The Science curriculum at HPPS adopts the pedagogy of Inquiry-based Learning (IBL) in the teaching of Science. We believe that students learn Science best, when they participate actively in learning, in a collaborative and inquiry based classroom.
Active learning through inquiry takes place when students,
take ownership of the initial question
conduct individual experimentation
strive for the outcome they want to see
are able to access the needed information easily by knowing what it is that they are looking for
are able to communicate their learning with other children through speaking and writing
Through active learning, our students learn better, as the questions they ask help them comprehend and synthesize knowledge.
With the above mentioned as guiding principles, HPPS capitalises on the following strategies to ensure that IBL is carried out holistically.
A. Questioning
In our day-to-day teaching of Science, our teachers focus on asking questions as well as encouraging students to ask relevant questions. Questioning strategy allows for a high degree of student participation as a good mix of low and high level cognitive questions are used.
B. Self-Directed Learning (SDL)
Through SDL, the teaching and learning conditions targeted to meet the needs of our students are established. Here, students take initiatives, set their own goals for learning and follow personal instructional and planning strategies.
C. Cooperative Learning (CoL)
CoL is a well-researched instructional strategy that has been reported to be highly successful in the classroom. It provides students with the tools to effectively work in a collaborative environment. Many of our Science investigations in the classroom provide opportunities for group work.
D. Problem Based Learning (PBL)
PBL focuses on knowing and understanding issues, considering all possible factors, brainstorming for options and eventually deciding on the best solution. As all ideas are initially accepted, problem solving allows for students to find the best possible solution as opposed to the easiest solution or the first solution proposed.
Inquiry-based Learning
IBL is a student-centred learning process based on John Dewey’s learning theory of constructivism. At HPPS, we use the constructivist approach for concept development.
Our approach to learning of Science at HPPS is as follows.
Use of hands-on activities to develop concepts as students make connections with their surroundings
Carrying out inquiry-based activities in and out of the classroom that teaches our students skills through, creative problem solving, decision-making and investigation processes
Providing opportunities to apply concepts in varied contexts through authentic outdoor learning, use of ICT, self-directed as well as collaborative learning experiences
The skills and attitudes we hope to nurture in our students through the Science curriculum is aligned to our Learning Framework. Developing innovation and talent are also included in the Science curriculum, giving our students the opportunity to showcase their creativity and aptitude for Science, through our school-based programmes.
Learning experiences also aim to inculcate ethics and attitudes such as, Curiosity, Creativity, Integrity, Objectivity, Open-mindedness, Perseverance and Responsibility, in our students.
These skills, ethics and attitudes are in line with the 21st Century Competencies, such as Civic Literacy, Global Awareness and Cross-cultural Skills, Critical and Inventive Thinking, and Information and Communication Skills in order to realise our vision of seeing our students growing up to become confident people, self-directed learners, concerned citizens, and active contributors to the nation.
Useful Links
Primary 3 |
Primary 4 |
Primary 5 |
Primary 6 |
Science for Kids! |
Science News for Kids
Others |
MOE Primary Science Syllabus